Choosing to create our unique path through life is hard.
What if I make a wrong choice? What if I face a dead end? What if I end up broke?
In face of the unknown, it’s tempting to make “safe” choices - high school, college, corporate job - because we have an idea how these choices play out. There are grades, scholarships, internships and jobs we can point to as evidence of our progress. And yet, despite all the external rewards and recognition, some of us feel like we are not being true to ourselves. We’re eager, excited and curious about something that doesn’t have a script and can’t be neatly described yet.
Origin Stories is for those of us who want courage to create our own way.
Sometimes glimpsing a few steps down someone else’s path can help us find the conviction to take the first steps down ours.
He quit high school, taught himself and got into his college of choice.
She quit her job to open her own store at 25, as an African American in Charleston.
I can do it, too.
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